The Transformation Architect
Connecting penthouse and engine room
Modern architects don’t try to be the smartest people in the room–they make everyone else smarter. They ride the Architect Elevator from the penthouse, where the business strategy is set, to the engine room, where the enabling technologies are implemented. They shun popular buzzwords in favor of decision discipline and clear communication across levels.
We upgrade our technology all the time. Perhaps we should also upgrade our architects.
Based on my experience working for digital disruptors and leading transformations in traditional enterprise IT, this site gives architects and IT leaders a much-needed upgrade to broaden their impact and be successful in modern organizations.
Architecting IT Transformation
Many large enterprises feel pressure from digital disruptors who serve users’ increased expectations with innovative business models and little legacy. Architects and CTOs combine technical, communication, and organizational acumen to play a critical role in the inevitable transformation. They see more dimensions, sketch, and make lemonade from organizational lemons.
These books prepare you for a more exciting role as IT architect or decision maker:

Observing recurring challenges in organizations led me to formulate my own “law”, which now has its own page.
Excessive complexity is nature’s punishment for organizations that are unable to make decisions.
Find over 40 talks on my Modern Achitect YouTube playlist or dive deeper with a 10-part Architect Elevator Video Series on the O’Reilly Learning Platform.
My Podcasts with Neal Ford, Dave Farley, Tech Lead Journal or Postman’s Breaking Changes discuss specific topics like platform engineering.
For the ultimate experience, attend an Architect Elevator Workshop. Next public workshop: June 2/3, 2025 in Antwerp.
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